
Two days of conferences to collectively design tomorrow’s viticulture!

Frequently asked questions

We knew you would ask 😉

I bought my ticket but can no longer come. What can I do?

Find a colleague/friend who can come in your place!

If not, write to us.

PLEASE NOTE: No refunds will be made after D-15 of the conference. Why not? Because we calculate the budget as accurately as possible in order to be able to offer you a low rate, and because we incur costs that vary depending on the number of participants. So if you cancel at the last minute, we still have to cover the costs incurred…

What if I can only come for one day?

There is no specific price: it’s always a flat rate for the two days. Why is this? Firstly, because the conferences are complementary. Secondly, because it’s a question of financial balance. Also, we’re a very small team and can’t manage à la carte tickets. And finally: why would you want to miss out on such exciting talks… ^_^

Is there a discount for students?

Yes. Please contact us.

I come by car. Is there a car park?

Yes, the Palais des Papes car park.

Conference participants benefit from a preferential rate for the Palais des Papes car park for the two days of the conference.

How does it work? Buy your ticket for the conference, adding the car park option. On the day of the conference, pick up your ticket at the pay station at the car park entrance. At the conference reception desk, show your ticket with the parking option and you will be exchanged for a special ticket valid for 24 hours.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible to take advantage of this preferential rate without booking in advance: the Palais des Papes team must order these special tickets in advance, from the car park manager, and it is not possible to issue them on site on the day.

IMPORTANT: if you have a Bip&Go badge, please conceal it as the car park is equipped with a badge-reading system. If the barrier is raised automatically and your Bip&Go account is debited, the preferential rate cannot be activated.

I need an invoice!

When you buy your ticket, the invoice is automatically issued. If you do not receive it, please contact us.

Do I have to bring my printed ticket?

Yes, of course!

The most ecological solution: save the ticket on your phone 🙂

250€ and 300€ – that’s expensive!

This conference is only 50% privately funded, with the remainder coming from ticket sales. We receive no support from the public sector.

To make ends meet – without making a profit – we have to sell all tickets at the indicated price. So paying full price for your ticket is your way of contributing to the viticulture of tomorrow.

And just between you and me: the programme is fantastic, there’s simultaneous translation (a necessary luxury), meals are included and there will be lots of fascinating people to meet. What else? ;P

If we buy several tickets, is there a discount?

No, but if you buy your ticket before 31/12/2023, you’ll benefit from the Early Bird price, which gives you a substantial discount on the full price (€250 versus €300).

I am a vegetarian. Will there be vegetarian dishes during the meals on site?


Are there any Covid restrictions?

Currently there are no restrictions.

Contact us

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